Emily tries prunes for the first time, and her reaction is so cute.


Building on her successes with apples (which she loved) and green beans (which she wasn’t too fond of, but being “good parents” we will encourage her to eat regardless), we decided to introduce Emily to prunes.

As we prepared the prunes, we could see Emily’s curiosity piqued. Her big, expressive eyes followed every move, and she wiggled excitedly in her high chair. We placed a small spoonful of mashed prunes in front of her, and she looked at it with a mix of curiosity and hesitation.

With a gentle smile and encouraging words, we brought the spoon to her mouth. She took her first bite, and we waited for her reaction. At first, her face scrunched up as she processed the new flavor. It was a mix of surprise and contemplation. After a moment, her expression softened, and she gave a tentative smile.




Emily’s reaction was priceless. She seemed to be considering the taste carefully, her tiny brows furrowed in concentration. Then, to our delight, she opened her mouth for another spoonful. We couldn’t help but laugh at her adorable expressions and the way she eagerly leaned forward for more.

As she continued to eat, it became clear that prunes were a hit! Her little hands clapped with excitement between bites, and she even tried to grab the spoon herself, determined to savor every bit of this new flavor.

Watching Emily enjoy her first taste of prunes was a heartwarming experience. It reminded us of the joy of discovering new things and the importance of encouraging her to explore different foods. This milestone, like many others, was filled with love, laughter, and a little bit of mess—moments we will treasure forever.