ADORABLE: 10-Day-Old Newborn Twin Eats Brother’s Nose!


In a precious and hilarious moment, 10-day-old preemie twins Ada and Henry are already showing their unique personalities and sibling antics. Born at 34 weeks, these tiny fighters are exploring the world together, and their interactions are both heartwarming and amusing.

Little Ada, with her wide, curious eyes, decides that her brother Henry’s nose looks like the perfect snack. With her tiny mouth open, she leans in, trying to “eat” Henry’s nose. Her small, determined attempts are met with mild frustration as she struggles to get a good hold on it.


Henry, on the other hand, is blissfully unaware of Ada’s curious exploration. His eyes remain closed, and he makes little movements, occasionally twitching his nose, which only adds to Ada’s challenge. Her persistence is both funny and endearing, as she continues her quest with soft grunts and adorable expressions of determination.

Their parents, watching this delightful scene, can’t help but laugh and quickly grab their cameras to capture the moment. Ada’s earnest attempts and Henry’s peaceful oblivion create a perfect snapshot of sibling interactions at their earliest stage.

This moment beautifully captures the bond between Ada and Henry, highlighting their distinct personalities and the unique dynamic they share. It’s one of those precious memories that their parents will cherish forever, a reminder of the joy and laughter these tiny twins bring into their lives.