The funniest video! The face you make when broccoli isn’t your thing!


In this amusing and relatable video, we witness a baby’s first encounter with broccoli—a classic moment that many parents can appreciate. Introducing children to a variety of foods is an essential part of their development. While they may love some and dislike others, it’s important to give them the opportunity to explore different tastes and textures.


This video perfectly captures the unpredictability and honesty of a child’s palate. The scene opens with the baby seated comfortably in a high chair, eyes wide with curiosity.


A small piece of steamed broccoli is presented on a spoon, inching closer to the baby’s mouth. The anticipation builds as the baby examines the unfamiliar green vegetable. With a gentle nudge from a parent, the baby takes a tentative bite. Almost immediately, a series of priceless expressions unfolds.


At first, there’s a look of surprise as the new flavor registers. Then, confusion sets in, and the baby’s nose crinkles adorably. Finally, a clear verdict is reached—the baby doesn’t like broccoli at all! A grimace spreads across the tiny face, and perhaps a shudder or a little head shake follows. The candid reaction is both hilarious and endearing, showcasing the unfiltered honesty that only a child can convey.

Despite the baby’s obvious distaste, the moment is a valuable experience. It highlights the importance of allowing children to make their own choices about food, fostering independence and openness to new experiences. The parents’ gentle encouragement without forcing the issue sets a positive tone for future food explorations.


This charming video not only provides a good laugh but also resonates with anyone who has navigated the challenges of feeding a picky eater. It’s a delightful reminder of the small adventures that come with parenting and the joy found in everyday moments.