The baby is happy that now she can hold objects (rattle) 3 months old baby


Watch the sheer joy and excitement of this adorable three-month-old baby as she discovers the wonderful world of holding objects! In this heartwarming video, the baby beams with happiness as she successfully grips her colorful rattle for the first time. Her wide-eyed wonder and enthusiastic smiles perfectly capture the magic of this developmental milestone. The sweet sounds of her giggles and the sight of her tiny fingers clutching the rattle will surely bring a smile to your face. Celebrate this precious moment as the baby delights in her newfound ability to hold and explore objects, marking a significant step in her journey of growth and discovery. Don’t miss this enchanting display of pure baby joy!



In this heartwarming video, the baby proudly grasps her favorite rattle, shaking it with pure delight. Her eyes light up with excitement and curiosity as she explores the textures and sounds of her new toy. This milestone moment, where she can finally hold and interact with objects, is a precious step in her development. Witness the happiness and wonder in this sweet baby’s expression as she revels in her newfound ability to hold and play with her rattle!