Newborn rolls over at just 23 days old


That’s quite impressive for such a young age! Newborns typically start rolling over by themselves around 4 months, so rolling over at 23 days old is definitely ahead of the usual developmental milestones. It’s a good idea to ensure the baby’s environment is safe for such early mobility!

At just 23 days old, this little champion has already hit a remarkable milestone, rolling over much earlier than most. This early display of strength and coordination is a delightful surprise, showcasing an adventurous spirit and a keen readiness to explore the world. Watch as this tiny trendsetter continues to grow and amaze everyone with each new achievement!




At just 23 days old, this little champion has already hit a major milestone—rolling over for the first time! While most babies take a few months to start rolling, this tiny tot is ahead of the curve, showcasing remarkable strength and determination. It’s a moment of joy and surprise for the proud parents, marking the beginning of many more exciting developmental leaps to come. Watch out, this baby is on the move!