Lucas Says ‘Hello’ at 7 Weeks Old: A Precious Milestone Caught on Camera


In an adorable display of early communication, watch as 2-month-old Lucas does his best to mimic his parent’s voice. In this heartwarming video, you can hear Lucas responding with a tiny “hello” as his parent greets him. It’s quite impressive for such a young age! This sweet moment is a must-see for anyone who loves baby milestones and showcases the beginning of Lucas’s journey into language. Join us in celebrating this special occasion and witness the joy of a parent hearing their child speak back to them for the first time.



Watch this adorable moment as Lucas, at just 7 weeks old, attempts to mimic his parent’s voice. In this heartwarming exchange, you can hear his parent greeting him with a “hello,” and little Lucas doing his best to echo it back. It’s quite impressive to witness such early communication skills from such a young age. This video captures a special milestone in Lucas’s development, showcasing his early ability to interact and respond. Join us in celebrating this tiny talker’s big achievement!