Little Girl Is Pretty Darn Sure She Has a Boyfriend


In a charming tale of childhood whimsy, a little girl, barely out of preschool, is utterly convinced she has a boyfriend. This young lady, with her imaginative mind blossoming, speaks with certainty about her special friend, who joins her in grand adventures right in her backyard.

Their days, she recounts, are filled with marvelous escapades—from building forts out of blankets to embarking on secret missions in the underbrush that lines her garden. Her “boyfriend,” an invisible yet vividly detailed companion, is always by her side, brave and kind, sharing her love for mud pies and make-believe.



At tea parties, he is the guest of honor, served mud cookies and leafy brews, all prepared meticulously by little hands. She tells her family how he praises her culinary skills, and how they plan to ride bikes to the moon someday.

In her world, he is as real as the stories she spins, a confidante who’s never far, whispering secrets during hide and seek, where he’s so clever, he sometimes disappears altogether. Each night, as she recounts her day to her family, her eyes shimmer with the vividness of her tales, painting her companion as the hero of every story.