Adorable toddler goes viral for saying hi to everyone in the store


Tamia White, a mom with a great sense of humor, never expected her playful admonishment to her one-year-old son, Azai, to become a viral sensation. In her lighthearted TikTok videos, she jokingly instructs Azai not to greet everyone with a cheerful “Hey” as they embark on their shopping trips. However, Azai has his own agenda.

With an endearing disregard for his mom’s instructions, Azai embarks on a mission of spreading joy one “Hi” at a time. Tamia captures his adorable interactions with fellow shoppers as he eagerly waves and greets everyone he encounters in the store.



What started as a playful exchange between mother and son has captured the hearts of viewers across social media platforms. Tamia’s TikTok videos of Azai’s escapades have garnered millions of views, with viewers falling in love with the toddler’s infectious enthusiasm and irresistible charm.

In a world where negativity often dominates the headlines, Azai’s simple act of spreading happiness serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of kindness and connection. Through his innocent greetings, Azai has become a symbol of joy, bringing smiles to faces around the world and warming hearts with his genuine warmth and friendliness.