Casey at 3 months starting a conversation.


Casey, a bright-eyed bundle of curiosity, lies on a soft blanket, surrounded by toys and colorful objects. At just three months old, Casey is already eager to engage in conversation, cooing and babbling with enthusiasm.]

Casey: cooing and gurgling happily, eyes wide with wonder

[Casey’s tiny hands reach out, grasping at nearby toys as if eager to include them in the conversation. With each delighted squeal and babble, Casey seems to be expressing their thoughts and feelings, unaware of the limitations of language but fully embracing the joy of communication.]



[Caregivers nearby respond with smiles and encouraging words, eagerly participating in Casey’s burgeoning conversation. They mimic Casey’s sounds, creating a playful exchange that fosters a sense of connection and belonging.]

[As Casey continues to babble and coo, it’s clear that even at just three months old, they are already a natural conversationalist, using their own unique language to express themselves and connect with the world around them.]