Baby arguing with himself. He is so funny


Brace yourselves for a glimpse into the utterly entertaining world of a baby’s mind! Ever witnessed a tiny human engage in a full-blown argument with none other than… themselves? Get ready to be amused and amazed as we unravel the endearing tale of a baby who masterfully debates the universe – all within the confines of their own mind!

In the heart of a cozy nursery, a 6-month-old bundle of joy sits surrounded by an array of toys, seemingly lost in thought. Little do the spectators know, a monumental discussion is about to unfold, complete with gestures, expressions, and a flurry of incomprehensible babble. This is the baby’s moment of truth – an argument with himself!

The scene begins innocently enough, with the baby eyeing two toys in their chubby little hands. What starts as a simple choice soon escalates into a dramatic internal dialogue. It’s as if a miniature courtroom has been set up in the confines of the baby’s imagination, complete with a judge, jury, and a passionate defense attorney.

In one corner, we have Toy A, the contender vying for the baby’s attention. In the other corner, Toy B, an equally captivating adversary. The baby’s eyes dart back and forth between the contenders, and the show begins. Gurgles, giggles, and even some emphatic hand gestures emerge, as if the baby is presenting their case to an invisible audience.



The baby’s face contorts into a series of expressions – confusion, excitement, contemplation, and even a hint of outrage. The babble reaches a crescendo as the baby’s argument reaches its peak, with passionate gibberish that would make even the most eloquent orator envious.

What’s truly captivating is the baby’s ability to effortlessly switch sides in this solo debate. Just when it seems like Toy A has secured victory, the baby’s facial expressions morph into a look of regret, as if they’ve just realized the untapped potential of Toy B. And so, the argument continues, with the baby arguing with conviction, yet always finding new reasons to reconsider.

As the internal debate reaches its conclusion, the baby’s face softens into a look of contentment. The toys are placed side by side, an unspoken truce achieved through this epic dialogue. The room is left with a sense of wonder, as witnesses are left to ponder the depth of thought that a baby’s mind can conjure in the simplest of situations.

So, next time you catch a baby in the midst of a passionate, one-sided argument, take a moment to appreciate the boundless imagination and the hilarious complexity of their thoughts. For in these small, unassuming moments, the youngest minds among us prove that even the tiniest voices can hold the power to engage in spirited debates that captivate the heart and spark a smile.