Baby cruising at 7 months. Absolutely adorable


At around 7 months old, many babies begin to embark on an exciting developmental milestone known as “cruising.” Cruising is a stage that falls between the early stages of crawling and walking, and it involves a baby using their newfound mobility skills to move along furniture or other supportive surfaces while holding on for balance and support.

During this period, you might observe your 7-month-old baby pulling themselves up into a standing position by grasping onto furniture, such as the edge of a couch or a coffee table. With a mix of determination and curiosity, they will then attempt to move sideways while holding onto the furniture for support. This movement resembles “cruising,” hence the term.

Cruising is a significant step in a baby’s physical development, as it builds strength in their leg muscles, improves their balance, and further refines their coordination. It’s a precursor to independent walking, as it allows babies to gradually transition from crawling to walking by becoming accustomed to supporting their weight on their legs and exploring their environment from a more upright position.



Parents often find joy in observing their baby’s cruising adventures. It’s a time filled with pride as you witness your little one’s determination and courage to explore new ways of moving around. It’s important to create a safe environment during this phase by baby-proofing the surroundings and ensuring that furniture is stable and secure.

As your baby gains confidence in cruising, you may notice their pace and stability improving over time. From cruising along the edges of furniture to transitioning between different pieces of support, their newfound ability to navigate their world while upright marks a significant step in their journey toward independent mobility.

Remember that all babies develop at their own pace, so while some might start cruising around 7 months, others might do so a bit later. Celebrate each step of your baby’s development and be there to support them as they embark on this exciting journey of exploration and growth.