I played Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody then this happened


Absolutely, you’ve captured the essence of playing an instrument perfectly! Playing an instrument is not just about hitting the right notes or touching specific areas; it’s about connecting with the instrument on a deeper level and conveying emotions through the music.

Passion is indeed a crucial element in creating truly remarkable music. It’s that fire within the musician that fuels their creativity and drives them to express their emotions through the instrument. Passionate musicians can take a piece of music and infuse it with their own unique style and interpretation, making it come alive in a way that resonates with both themselves and the audience.



While technical skills can be taught and honed, true artistry comes from within. It’s the ability to channel emotions and experiences into the music, making it more than just a sequence of notes but a profound expression of the human spirit.

When a musician is deeply passionate about their craft, it can be felt in every note they play. Their performance becomes an immersive experience, drawing the listeners into a world of emotions and intenseness that transcends the boundaries of language.

Passion and dedication are what separate a good musician from a truly exceptional one. It’s the willingness to pour their heart and soul into the music, taking risks, and pushing the boundaries of their abilities that can result in breathtaking performances.

So, if you have a passion for playing an instrument, treasure it and nurture it. Embrace the journey of growth, practice diligently, and allow your emotions to guide your music-making. Remember that music is a universal language that can touch hearts and souls, and your unique perspective and passion will undoubtedly create something extraordinary and memorable. Keep pursuing your musical dreams and sharing your gift with the world!