When you are a triplet and have to wait your turn for mom’s milk


This is undoubtedly the cutest and most heartwarming video you’ll see today! The video features an adorable baby lying on a baby rocker, his little face full of sadness as he patiently waits for his turn for mother’s milk.


As the caption humorously points out, this sweet baby is one of triplets, which means he has to wait his turn while his siblings get fed first. His expression is both incredibly cute and a bit heartbreaking, with his big eyes and pouty lips showing just how much he wishes it were his turn already!

You can’t help but feel for him as he looks around, probably wondering why he has to wait. His sad little face tugs at your heartstrings, but it’s also so endearing that you can’t help but smile.


There’s something undeniably sweet about how patient he is, even though he’s clearly a bit upset about being last in line. The combination of his cute, sad face and the playful context of being one of triplets creates a funny yet touching moment.

It’s a perfect reminder of the small but meaningful challenges that come with having siblings—and how even those moments of frustration can be incredibly adorable.


This video is bound to bring a smile to your face, even as you feel for the little one. His cuteness and the situation make this video one that will stick with you long after you’ve watched it!